About Vernissage

There are stories yearning to be told,                                                                                        wrongs crying out to be righted,                                                                                                fictional characters struggling to come to life.


A vernissage is the day before the opening of an art exhibition, traditionally reserved for the artist to varnish paintings. This eve of exhibition also included a reception for friends and confidants to gather and view the art about to be displayed to the public.

This online magazine is dedicated to the memory of the literary magazine of Bethel Park High School in Pennsylvania, and its long-time mentor, Barbara Langham.

Under Langham’s tutelage, many of the staff went on to become writers, editors, artists, poets, documentarians, and game designers. In the course of their careers, these individuals gathered scores of talented friends who, by trade or avocation, are artists in their own right.

This digital magazine had its inception in a discussion among BPHS magazine alumni during the 2020 Pandemic. The idea of a magazine open to the works of alumni, their friends, and others who have an interest in contributing, took root. This is our gathering, our open reception for the newly varnished works set out for display. This… is our Vernissage.